I Help Women Master Self-Love
+ attract greater love than ever before
Welcome love. Real support is here.
Testimonials & Case Studies
I want you to get a REAL sense of just how MUCH you can accomplish in each session and overall by working together.
This is nothing like traditional talk therapy.
I want EVERY session to BLOW YOU AWAY and move you in a new direction powerfully. So some of these testimonials are from just 1 coaching or 1 RTT Hypnotherapy session and others from my full program experiences. Fyi, these reviews are from my Yelp & Google business pages.
Diana - Case Study
When I 1st worked with Diana, she was in a physically abusive relationship and was new to personal growth. That first round transformed her. She later found her dream man and some fears of losing him came up so we worked together for 7 sessions spring of 2023.
Below is a screenshot of our last session on zoom, along with an interview where she describes her experience this time around.

Click PLAY to hear the interview testimonial
RTT Hypnosis Sessions
Main issue - fear of being cheated on.
- Level of fear before the session: 95%. After: 5%.
Result – to feel very secure & confident in herself & in her relationship.
- Level of having this result 3 weeks after the session: 99%
Session 2
Main issue - negativity/shame/guilt about sex (due to catholic upbringing)
- Level before the session: 95%. 2 weeks after: 0%.
Result – feeling good about sex. (accomplished 100%)
VT Testimonial

When VT first came to me she was terrified of not finding anyone before her 40s, and she was looking into freezing her eggs.
She met her dream man about a year after our work together and a couple years later they got engaged, before her 40's.

BK Testimonial

OMG, from 15yrs in/out of bad fleeting relationships...
To meeting her dream man 3 months into our work!
And he's perfect for her in so many ways...

Elsie Testimonial
From thinking she was damaged goods to regaining her confidence, creating her own happiness, and meeting her dream guy 6 sessions into our work. He is everything she ever wanted in a partner, and MORE.

Karen Testimonial
She was in traditional therapy for 10+ years, on meds for anxiety & depression and nothing worked. She transformed herself in 3 months! She even overcame her lifelong sleep issues and lost 48 pounds!
In the video interview below that took place after working together for 6 sessions spring of 2023, she shares that she met her dream man 6-7 months after we worked together in 2019. They've had 2 arguments in the 3yrs they've been together.

More Testimonials From Women
Who Met Their Dream Man

She met her dream man a few sessions into our work... even though it was soon after an extremely painful end to a relationship!

She married that amazing man and had a baby together!

She did attract her dream man after she moved back to her home state. When I spoke to her in 2022, they'd been together 3yrs. She noted how she felt 100% free to share ALL of her inner world w/him & be even more loved.
Testimonials After 1 Session
*reviews as early as 2011*
Each session is a personal transformation within itself,
whether it's a 90min Coaching session or an RTT Hypnotherapy session.
Carrie's Phenomenal Results after
1 RTT Hypnotherapy Session !
Carrie, 62, from Davis, CA was a shy, withdrawn person who never felt she had a voice her entire life.
As the youngest of 5 kids, she had to compete for attention from her older siblings and was often told to be quiet. Everyone's needs always came before hers. She felt helpless and invisible.
Interestingly enough, Carrie had been in a 20+ year career in which she could not utter a single word, all while
documenting everyone's voice. She was a court transcriber. After her 1st RTT hypnosis session, she came to life! Two months later she led a 25 person workshop on how to have a voice.